Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mickey Mouse has issues.

The little one has a collection of Mickey Mouses (Mickey Mice) of all different sizes. She likes the life size Mickey the best, well it is her life size.

She holds him and pretends like they are dancing. She even refers to him as 'my king.'

Well good luck with that. If he hasn't committed to Minnie in 80 years, I am not sure he is ever going to be anybody's king. We are talking about a mouse with serious commitment issues. Of course, his best friends are a duck with equal commitment issues and a very tall, dorky dog with a speech impediment.

Mickey is perpetually twelve years old. He needs to grow up eventually and join the real world. But then again, he is filthy rich! Maybe if you are that rich, you don't have to grow up.

I'd still live in a clubhouse, if I was stinking rich.

Friday, May 23, 2008

He can do it!

My in-laws are staying with us this week. I get along great with them so it is not that much of a hardship. My pa-in-law also likes to fix things....added bonus.

A cabinet didn't close perfectly. Grandmom said "Maybe Grandpop can tighten that screw."

Nicole (3) says "We'll get Grandpop to screw it up."

Out of the mouth of babes.......

A Danish friend of my family says only children and drunks are completely honest.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Man, I feel important.

Since Sunday, I have been called by Hillary twice, Barack once, Bill C. once and Chelsea C. once.

I realize that now all political people are stuck up. They wouldn't even answer my questions. I tried to be nice to them, but they wouldn't listen.

Monday, May 5, 2008


The little one looks at me yesterday while holding one of her dolls and says "she needs a makeover."

Right then it hits me how our television watching has changed. TLC, HGTV, A&E, Discovery, and the Food Network are our only safe havens. Gone is any semblance of violence or sex.....Darn. Maybe, we ought to shoot the tv all together, we only watch it from 8-10 at night on most days anyway. Of course, I tell my wife we watch The View everyday.

I am interested in one thing about the doll makeover --- What will she do with the molded plastic hair?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I am Ironman.......

Taxes, homework, deadlines, lining up gigs, potty training.... I hate when real life gets in the way of fun. I haven't blogged for a month. Kept meaning to, just didn't. No excuses (other than the ones listed above).

I love superheroes. Mostly movies and an occasional cartoon. Don't read the comic books anymore since they don't cost 25 cents. I am pumped about Ironman. Been singing the Ozzy song and cheering for the trailer when it rolls on tv.

Kid conversation in the car Thursday.

"Does Ironman sew?", said my three year old.

"What," said Mr. Clueless.

"Does Ironman sew? she repeated.

"Honey, I don't understand what you are asking," says Professor Potty (me).

"Does he sew or just iron?", said Super Pee-Pee Girl.

I almost wrecked the car in my laughter. She wanted to know what I was laughing at. I told her I just remembered a funny joke. I can't bear the thought of laughing at her. That shouldn't bother me, since some day she will be laughing at my dress socks with sneakers. Or my tube socks with the colored hula hoops around the top. Or my.........